Past Issue

Issue: Volume 8, Issue 3
Release Date: 31 Jul 2015

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Seventeen Years of Using Flowable Resin Restoratives - A Dental Practitioners's Personal Clinical Review

Seen through the author’s eyes on the basis of his practising dentistry for almost three decades, light-activated flowable resin restoratives (FRCs) or, in common clinical dental terminology, flowable composites have gradually gained major importance in restorative dentistry. Inputs to this ongoing trend are coming from continuous improvements in material properties and the favourable handling characteristics experienced with this particular group of restoratives. Intended to be used in direct adhesive filling procedures, the number and variety of recent generations of flowable composites for lining, restoration of all cavity classes (I−V), core build-ups and, more recently, ‘bulk-fill-restorations’, however, necessitates a profound clinical understanding of the selective use of flowable composites to ensure clinical success and guarantee long-term high quality results.

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